Part I. Why? ; The Hardest Part ; Obstacles ; Make Songwriting a Habit ; Everyday Work ; What You Get in the End
Part II. Start Writing ; Exercise 1 : Word Ladder : Verbs and Nouns ; Exercise 2: Stealing Words from a Book ; Exercise 3 : Cut-Up Techniques ; Exercise 4 : Word Ladder Variation : The Dreaded Adjective ; Exercise 5 : Have a Conversation ; Exercise 6 : Playing with Rhymes ; Exercise 7 : Don't Be Yourself
Part III. Pieces of Music ; Recommendation 1 : Learn Other People's Songs ; Recommendation 2 : Set a Timer ; Recommendation 3 : Loosen Your Judgment ; Recommendation 4 : Steal
Part IV. Can You Hear What Comes Next? ; Recording What You've Done ; Are You Stuck? ; What Did You Just Make? Is It Any Good? ; Sharing Your Song.